The corps members that indicated interest to be advocates during the sensitization rallies in both project locations where then taken through an intensive 5hour daily training for 3 days.  Participants were exposed to different modules at the training including topics like: Understanding Child Sexual Abuse, How children experience and Cope with sexual abuse, Why children do not tell, Engaging and Communicating with children, How to respond to disclosures, adolescent reproductive health, HIV/AIDS and Essential Life skills development, amongst others.

Series of situations were discussed during the training where some advocates were challenged to embrace whatever experiences they must have passed through and some of the advocates were able to voice out what they had bottled deep down for a long time.

At the end of the 3 day training in both Camps, 27, 64 and 57 Corps members in Abuja, FCT and 120, 51 and 48 Corps members in Benue State from 2017 Batch B, Stream 1&2 and 2018 Batch A respectively were graduated as SOAR Youth Advocates against child sexual abuse.

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